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Everything posted by DinoJon

  1. I might be the outlier but I am hoping for Indexes. I find it more exciting to see a rewrite of everything at once and hopefully give everyone a better playing field and a more fun army to play with.
  2. I know Terrain doesn't do well.. or the margins aren't there but I for one am loving all the terrain they've been putting out. The fact that Warcry has had so much Seraphon themed terrain has sent me over the moon and I can only hope we some day see the Cities of Sigmar buildings that were hinted at in the Dawnbringers books. The Rumor Engine today reads as a banner to me? Maybe some pulsing heart of chaos? I wouldn't mind seeing some more chaos themed terrain like Altars or deity specific pieces.
  3. I really hope GW puts out a roadmap for AoS when 4th releases. Anyone remember when we got the 40k roadmap after the 10th launch? btw I love hearing about new Troggs and I am still tempted to this day to pick up Troggs again after selling my first army.
  4. I work in the tabletop industry and unfortunately the cost of doing business overseas is only going up and without an increase in quality or service. I know I've heard of a US company trying to get a factory built locally to produce plastic minis and that would be huge as a lot of companies here are looking for other venues other than relying on production in China. GW cutting Chinese production makes a lot of sense and especially with them building a new factory as well it seems like they have a plan on continuing the same output... eventually. The big question is does GW still get books made overseas or is that done in the UK now?
  5. That's all my twitter feed was yesterday. I'm pretty sure most people there are doing it for the memes though
  6. In a dream world this will happen.... OR we get you a position at GW as AoS King (it would be president normally but they're a UK company).
  7. The Seraphon changes are so off the mark for actually fixing anything that I hope it's not true.
  8. How does GW choose which faction releases get dice and not? Still waiting on official Seraphon Dice.... maybe wave 2? Also pour one out for Bonereapers not getting a RoR box.
  9. Don't forget Saurus Guard/Temple Guard for Seraphon. It is really awkward having the new Saurus Warriors next to the older Saurus Guard, really looks they're from different armies at this point. Outside of Warcry I don't see Seraphon getting a resculpted unit in the next couple of years though. From the list you made I think Clanrats are a given with the supposed 4th Edition launch. Also don't forget both Gors and Ungors for Beasts of Chaos they are all miserable to put together
  10. I would like some more units that match the Crone aesthetically especially if they're on the monstrous side. More ladies with feathered wings or even warlocks that resemble more of kenkus would be rad.
  11. This is 40k right? Seems like Eldar? or is it more Lumineth?
  12. Happy birthday! As much as I want it to be Seraphon thing I'm definitely thinking Idoneth. As far as I know, they don't have anything with tentacles yet but that doesn't rule this out being a new kind of auxiliary. 40k is decidedly lacking in "weird" xeno species.
  13. How likely is it that Chaos Dwarves will just follow the standard release pattern of Launch Box 1-2 Heroes 1 Battleline 1 Cavalry/Other Unit Release 1 Centerpiece 2-3 Additional Heroes 1 Other Battleline 1 Other unit If it looks like this what do you think the Chaos Duradin would get? I would love to see the return of the Fire Elementals but the Lammasu and Bull cavalry seem more likely right?
  14. Whitefang right now. Thank you for the rumor though!
  15. I do wish more factions would continue to get endless spells/prayers as I agree with @Cynic that they are a unique and compelling feature to AoS. I know they can work on implementation and balance for them but they, at least to me, are really exciting to see on the board. Hey James Workshop! Give Seraphon priests back and give us endless prayers for Chotec, Itzl and Sotek.
  16. Did we not get a new Rumor Engine today? Was this stated before or it just didn't show up?
  17. Would be nice if LVO they announced the new edition approaching but I guess that would be too soon. I think they announced 10th at Adepitcon? I would hope for LVO if Dawnbringers 4 isn't completely shown off to do that and then maybe give us the title or teaser for Dawnbringers 5.
  18. I get excited whenever someone says Sauron but I remember it's never this guy.... but it's always the other one... Seraphon rumor related they sure do keep talking about feathererd* flying snakes lately.
  19. I voted for Kroxigor for model of the year but I think the issue when they put up whole range refreshes as individual models it just splits the vote and prevents it from getting any traction. I do feel like model of the year needs to be broken into at least 2 categories for Fantasy and Sci-Fi. I hate that I hear constantly that "AoS has the best models" and then when it comes time to vote people are just gonna slam whatever Primarch is out that year. minor griping over. I'll go vote for Klonk and hope AoS gets a "W"
  20. This reads very much as a shot in the dark with guesses based on what little has been "confirmed" by more reputable leaks.
  21. https://www.warhammer-community.com/2023/12/24/sunday-preview-return-to-the-battle-for-macragge/ Odd but not unexpected
  22. What an exciting morning for me. Tasty new rumors, rumors debunked(more or less) and new videos for tomorrow! Happy Holidays to all
  23. Could it be a named Stormcast that we haven't seen before? Is there any in the lore that could have a simple sword like a Vigilor?
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