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Posts posted by Dindi

  1. 13 minutes ago, Ejecutor said:

    Same or a different unit? I initially thought they were the same, but the armours have different details.



    Bottom one makes me think of updated Paladins/Paladins in thunder strike armour. 

    • Like 1
  2. 9 minutes ago, Tonhel said:

    No, please no battletomes with a single hero releases in 4th edition. Not again.

    The dwarf could certainly be for TOW, but isn't the rumour engine not AoS/40K only?


    There's a few 30k ones and plenty of necromunda ones.


    No reason this couldn't be ToW 

    • Like 1
  3. I think those all getting new kits are inevitable, the question is how long do you want to wait?

    To give some 40k comparisons I think it took over 15 years to get new Cadian guardsmen sculpts, and we've just seen the kroot get new sculpts after what 20 years?


    That said do minis like witch elves/sisters of slaughter need new minis anytime soon, they aren't that old, compared to the poor skaven, surely any DoK release would be best served as a new unit.

    Also to swing back to the Cadian comparison, modern sculpts can be a big double edge sword for horde armies. How detailed do basic gobs need to be?

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  4. 12 minutes ago, BarakUrbaz said:

    Yeah, a lot of Orc units have essentially "pay X points to give this unit Frenzy, pay X more points to give a Frenzied unit Warpaint" which seems to be how they're handling Savage Orcs. 

    Good spot.

    So it looks like the arcane journals have new units that don't have minis yet, presumably they'll come at a later point?

  5. Just now, Sathrut said:

    Oh, I'm not basing anything off these random pictures! I'd seen someone else comment on the lack of Night Goblins in that image, wondering if that meant they're staying in AoS, but someone else replied saying they thought the same, but it's been confirmed that Night Goblins are in.

    Which makes sense because the only legacy rules GW have announced are for the non-core factions.

    Ah gotcha. 👍

  6. 13 minutes ago, Sathrut said:

    If Night Goblins, Savage Orcs, Spider Riders and Arachnarok are not in TOW, but staying in AoS, where and when will their legacy rules appear?

    I wouldn't base anything of those random pictures in books.


    Looking at the contents page on videos the only thing I can't make out for sure is savage orcs.

    Edit: on closer inspection i think savage orcs are basically an upgrade for normal orcs, where you swap out armour for Warpaint. At least for the boss. 

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