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Clan's Cynic

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Posts posted by Clan's Cynic

  1. 2 hours ago, overtninja said:

    Fantasy had the additional problem that many people had been in the hobby for years and had huge armies already, and weren't buying new models. It also required so many boxes for each unit that it's price was astronomical just based on quantity needed. At least AoS doesn't require huge model counts like fantasy did.

    That said, it does suck to make the buy-in to start playing higher, and it's going to dissuade people from jumping in. It's really great that there are Meeting Engagements now, they're great for people who are just starting.

    The "people already had huge armies" argument doesn't really hold up when you consider that was/is the case for 40k as well, it's just they had a much more aggressive release schedule for 40k versus Fantasy which meant more excuses for people to buy new stuff. AoS is getting more than WHFB did, but it's still behind and there's a lot more smaller armies that're getting left behind - even newer AoS-only ones.

    The problem is that we're seeing more units that're 5 models for £25 (which are now going up further). For armies that are already very pricey like the Fyreslayers, this is only going to lead to a Fantasy-like situation where the barrier for entry on anything short of horde armies - which, long-term, tend to be even more expensive - is too much for most people. There's not much difference between needing to buy four Core at £20 than having to buy four boxes-of-five for £30 to see where this could go.

    When they put out 10 Namarti for £30 rather than the ludicrous £35 for 10 Heathguard I figured they'd realised their error for 'out pricing', but it seems they want to cash in on the white knights chirping about "the new Games Workshop!" and see what they can get away with.

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  2. Doubtful. Fyreslayers are already just a Mortal Realms re-imagining of Dwarf Slayers. 

    I think, at best, it may be a sign that Dispossessed Unforged (see: holdover Dwarf Slayers) might see some kind of kit alongside of him, but I sincerely doubt that. Gotrek is just such an iconic part of WHFB, whilst also having been given an ending that made it more plausible than most that he may end up in the Mortal Realms. I really wouldn't read too much into it.

    The new Fyreslayer Battletome does allude to the potential of Dwarf Duradin Soup mind you, as they've recently been making headway in strengthening ties that were broken during the Age of Chaos (for obvious reasons).

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  3. 6 hours ago, Travis Baumann said:

    I thought all the old-time TK fans were clamoring for their return so they could use their existing armies (basically as-is).  

    If they come back in some other form, will any of the vocal TK'ers actually be happy or will we just hear another huge round of whining and wringing of hands at how GW has done them wrong yet again?  Are the TK legacy players actually so sad about their lore/story/characters being dead or about their army being not playable on a tournament/match play level?  I am confused about what they actually want here.

    It's almost as if Tomb King players are not a homogeneous hivemind and are that individuals have different wants and ideas.

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  4. 16 hours ago, AnUncommonCulture said:

    So... I know he’s not a Fyreslayer per se, but is anyone else excited about Gotrek in Realmslayer, and the new model GW is releasing?? He’s getting a warscroll, but I don’t know anything else. 

    He makes me upset Fyreslayers weren't sculpted with trousers and boots.

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  5. 1 hour ago, Barkanaut said:

    I totally agree wth this. AoS is losing lots of its uniqueness and becoming too much fantasy. If we see another old character return to lead the death army it’s basically over. At this point we’re getting more fantasy releases compared to AoS ones. No new characters, no truly new armies, and almost no new lore or books for the new characters or new armies. No book about the heroics of Brokk from the KO or High King Volturnos. These are huge major players and all they have is some small blurbs in their dexes. The way new armies get treated in  AoS you would think we’re the bad ones for liking AoS for what it was and supporting it when no one else liked it. Where the hell were all the fantasy fans back in the day if they cared so much about it? 

    Do you really think a small handful of named individuals being recycled is AoS becoming 'too much like fantasy'? 

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  6. My take away is that it's akin to Underworlds and Kill-Team, in that it's neither a Specialist Game nor a 'core game'. 

    Like those two we'll probably see it being pushed a lot more in Games Workshop stores, compared to Specialist Games that see a very short run in their stores, then go back to the warehouse after a few weeks.

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  7. I feel like Warcry's problem is that it doesn't sell itself as Not!Kill-Team visually, if that is their intention.

    Kill-Team is very easy to visualise what it actually is; squad-based, small, short games using existing 40k miniatures. People easily associate it's meant to be for small '40k' games because it literally uses the same models.

    Warcry meanwhile looks more like Necromunda: Mortal Realms Edition, owing to it being advertised with a suite of Chaos-only models, specific to that game. GW can go "b-but we're allowing AoS models too!" but most people aren't going to read that deep into it. You can use Chaos Cultist and Genestealer Cult models in Necromunda too, but all people think of is the game-specific Gangs.

    This is presumably why Underworld's new beginner-friendly box actually uses existing AoS models instead of new, uniquely Underworlds ones.

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  8. On 5/17/2019 at 3:14 PM, JPjr said:

    Regarding Bretonnia, can I check something... was the last time they were updated and had a new army book really 2004. I mean, not to diminish the pain and suffering that these people are obviously struggling to cope with but come on, take a hint guys. Maybe throw your energy into something more constructive and healthy...

    It makes the, what... 8 year Tomb King vigil seem positively sensible.



    The theme of heavily armoured, mounted knights wielding lances is a timeless and iconic fantasy image. Bretonnia ever existing in WHFB or not, I'm sure we'd still see very similar requests. Hell, looking at that one artwork of  what appear to be Free Guilds we may just end up with something between them and the old Empire. 

    Like others have said, it's less Bretonnia specifically and more the theme of knights. I think everybody here accepts Bretonnia with a capital B is never coming back. Hell, the Sisters of Battle were last properly updated in 2003. Low and behold at what's now coming to 40k.

    I'm sure the usual suspects would instantly change their tune if Daddy GW said "they're cool again guys!" and  without a shred of irony talk about how they always thought they were an awesome idea to bring into the Mortal Realms. 

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  9. 35 minutes ago, Blightzkrieg said:

    So if I'm understanding correctly, the only step this new paint skips is washing right? Because that's not really why my painting is super super super slow. Or is basecoating with contrast paints significantly faster as well? That would really help.

    Highlights as well, since it leaves sharper edges lighter. It's going to be a huge boon to horde armies where you don't necessarily want to fiddle with every bit of detail, but still want the basic job done.

  10. Are they doing an AoS Open Day this year? Could be why things have been held  back.

    Remember they don't like announcing things for mainline games (40k/AoS) that are over (roughly) a month away from being released, which isn't a great span of time. 

  11. 28 minutes ago, Melcavuk said:

    I keep seeing this come up and frankly it seems short sighted and boils down to:

    Agree with what I want and you must be awesome

    Disagree and its because you have anti fantasy bias and therefore your opinion means nothing.


    To be honest its getting slightly repetitive as a way of dismissing the opinions of those who dont agree with bringing back faction X or Y. You might not like the opinions of those who disagree with you but tarring them all with the "Anti fantasy brush" to try and insult huge swathes of the playerbase is less passive aggressive and more deliberately divisive.

    Short-sighted is telling people to get over hundreds/thousands of pounds worth a collection being invalidated because it doesn't suit their aesthetic preferences.

    Now that's the part which gets repetitive. 

    I know I'd rather see a discussion about, "Hm, how can we blend Old World armies into the Mortal Realms?" rather than "TIMES CHANGE, JUST MOVE ON."

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  12. On 5/10/2019 at 4:45 AM, Kyriakin said:

     I swear that some posters have a borderline fetish for other people's armies being obsoleted, and even push for further squattings (e.g. Dispossessed, Wanderers, etc.) on some threads and Facebook posts I've seen. I'm not sure if it's an anti-WHFB/grognard thing, or just some weird schadenfreude.

    There's a prevalent attitude on here that due to the overwhelmingly negative reaction AoS's announcement and launch had, fans of WHFB content need to be 'punished' by proxy. It doesn't help that this site became so successful because great swathes came from other forums where AoS is often derided even to this day. This manifests in glee at the prospect of doing away with just about anything that came from Fantasy, especially if they can slide in a passive aggressive remark about WHFB players. Of course, this is done under the veneer of 'positivity' in favour of AoS, so it's very much allowed.

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  13. 22 minutes ago, Hideaki said:

    The issue in my opinion is the fact that the 40k universe is stale (lore wise) and already has a huge range. (at least in my opinion)

    They are pushing AoS since it's new and it still needs fleshing put and more factions. When AoS starts to calm down (release-wise) because GW is happy with the diversity and range you will see a lot more 40k releases

    Consider how many of 40k's armies are some variety of Space Marine though. 

    Hell, compare Order's range diversity to the Imperium's.

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  14. 8 hours ago, Kurrilino said:

    I somehow fail to see the conribution to an Age of Sigmar rumour forum here


    I think his point is that AoS has such a refreshing diversity of releases. I know I genuinely get excited to see what the next AoS faction is, be it an updated Battletome or whole new army, just because everything is so different.

    Whilst Stormcast do receive plenty - more than they should in my opinion - at least it's a fair bet that not every other release will be for them, unlike 40k, where we're all but guaranteed to get a Marine  release, followed by a Chaos release, followed by a Marine, and so on.

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  15. 18 minutes ago, Saiken said:

    How likely is it that this new Warcry warband is the part of the Darkoath we're waiting for ?

    I think the kits will be compatible, but I don't think it's 'the' Darkoath release judging by the almost identical Warrior of Chaos hand on the Rumour Engine.

  16. If mercenaries eat into your Allies points, I don't think it will be too bad.

    I do hope it's restricted to certain Battletomes though, rather than "take any GA and count them as mercenaries." Fyreslayers or Ogres would be fine, since there's a precedent for that, but not so much Stormcast taking pennies to help Chaos.

  17. 10 hours ago, Joseph Mackay said:

    Tomb Kings and Bretonians didnt sell well, you can blame the player base for not buying them as the main reason theyre gone. the cries for them to come back are only a very vocal minority. some might try to blame gw for not 'supporting' the armies enough, but you dont pour money, time and resourses into something that isnt selling

    Egyptian skeletons and King Arther era knights cannot be protected by copyright, for starters theyre too generic in visual appearance and use subjects that cant be owned by anyone. after the whole Chapter House thing a few years ago, gw has tried to do everything they can to stop people profiting off their ip and designs. ive seen people try to argue that nothing in aos is protectable as everything is 'generic' or inspired by something else, however the way the law works differs with your opinion. Ironjawz and Bonesplittaz as orcs are very unique visually for example. 'orcs' may be generic but these 2 are not

     Bretonians are also covered by 2 different aos factions now anyway, so they are never coming back. Flesh-Eater Courts lore heavily hints at them being Bretonians, and Stormcast Eternals basically fill the knights in shining armour role but turned up to 11 with bird creatures and reptilian cats instead of horses

    Bretonnians didn't sell because they hadn't received a new model in about thirteen years prior to being squat'ed. Their Army Book was equally ancient. The metal kits also had the Blood Knight problem of being VERY expensive, even by GW standards. I still saw plenty of Bretonnian armies in my time, it's just over a decade had passed without Bretonnian players actually having anything to buy. Tomb Kings sold fine when they had an Army Book that wasn't utter rubbish. I sure saw more of them in WHFB's life time than I ever did Beastmen. If Stormcast didn't get a single new model for thirteen years, would you say the same thing if GW squat'ed them? How many people were playing Dark Eldar and Wood Elves until they received a range overhaul? 

    Egyptian Skellingtons with things like Bone Giants and the other larger kits are more 'IP protectable' than Nagash's current range of generic zombies/skeletons/rotting wolves. 

    Claiming that FEC are Bretonnians is like saying Deepkin are the new High Elves. Just because they slap a few 'generic medieval' sounding names on their units and the lore says they imagine themselves as thriving medieval kingdoms doesn't make them Bretonnia. Nobody who actually likes Bretonnian thinks "gee whizz I may have lost my heavy shock cavalry, the appearance of knights and peasants, units that're almost entirely on foot and now play as a summonable horde army, but the lore says they have noble courts so it's practically the same!

    I don't see people complaining about Slaves to Darkness despite being a 1:1 copy/paste from Warriors of Chaos. Darkoath are looking to be generic barbarians/marauders. Tomb Kings could be copy/pasted over to Age of Sigmar with very little effort and I'm sure if GW did that, the same people dying on the hill of "I never want to see them! WHFB bad!" would instantly change their tune if GW decided otherwise.

    Bretonnians are obviously never coming back, but I would still like to see them reimagined in some form, IE my Soulblight/Blood Knight post above.

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  18. I'd like to see Bretonnia reimagined as Soulblight/Blood Knights myself.  Aristocratic shock cavalry, supported by a weak chaff of peasants/blood thralls? Fits the bill to me.  I know people will go "that's what FEC are!" but that's more of a tongue-in-cheek lore only thing,

    Heck, one of the less explored parts of the lore was the civil war in Bretonnia that the Vampires started and the last we saw of Abhorash was him fighting alongside Gilles le Breton. 

    Obviously they'd have a much more gothic, unique aesthetic just because there's no way GW will ever go back to 'generic medieval knights' when there's third party and historical models out there.


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  19. 11 minutes ago, Dead Scribe said:

    From what I was told, tomb kings were not very good rules-wise in warhammer even though they had nice new kits, so nobody bought them because of that.

    Bretonnians also from what I was told had pretty bad rules or old rules and no one wanted them because of that.

    I can definitely see how that would make people not buy them, especially since it seems competitive players do the most buying.

    Tomb Kings were pretty popular in their time. I know when I started in Fantasy I played against them plenty of times. As time went on however, much like Grey Knights in 40k now, several editions of poor rules caused a lot of people to shy away.

    Bretonnians were a much loved army, but they received one Army Book in about... what was it, thirteen or so years before End Times? And no new kits since then either. They were a bit like Sisters in that respect. People loved the lore, people loved the idea of them, but they had two plastic kits and the rest of the range was in metal/finecrap. Everybody wanted to collect them but nobody did, holding out for an update that never came.

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