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Everything posted by Lucentia

  1. I love that old school Khaine statue, and that vivid green really puts the work in. I'm holding out hope for a start collecting box, or some sort of oblique money saver on witch aelf boxes at some point, I would not be opposed to a second block of 30 myself, but not at the current pricepoint.
  2. It's definitely a Stormcast helmet, I like to imagine it's a memento for a fallen ally, but could just as easily be a mocking trophy, it is a curious choice for the sculpt.
  3. I would say the Daughters of Khaine thread is probably the best place to ask your Daughters of Khaine questions! I haven't dabbled much with the malign sorcery artifacts myself, I generally don't use battalions and there are enough decent artifacts in the DoK book to take up my one slot, but glancing over the Shyish list none of the weapons particularly jump out at me, though DoK heroes are generally more support units than melee beatsticks for the most part. Relics-wise lots of people rate the Ethereal Amulet, though amusingly enough if it's probably not as handy in a DoK list as it reduces the effectiveness of any Cauldrons of Blood you might be including! The Ragged Cloak could be a valid choice, keeping your general safe from harm for a shooting phase could prove vital in a Hagg Nar or Khailebron list. Morathi is quite a lot larger then the Yncarne, even if you discount the wings, so it might be tough to get a suitably sized conversion going, unfortunately.
  4. Hagg Nar Blood Sisters within a Bloodshield under the effect of Blessing of Khaine is about as tanky as you can get when it comes to DoK (Throw in cover and mystic shield for the theoretical maximum defensiveness). I've definitely caught opponents off guard who expected to clear out the squad with a key charge only to bounce off of 4+/5++/5++, though I don't tend to run pure snakes so I have little squads of infantry running around to screen from key threats as necessary. Heartrenders are excellent for their points, not even necessarily for their shooting output (which is handy but is only going to knock a couple of wounds off of something most of the time) but the ability to fly down anywhere on the board couple with their mobility options is vital for playing the objective game, especially in a Hagg Nar list where you often want to keep the core of your force clustered close to the general. Don't forget they can run and shoot (re-rolling 1s to run) and get that extra 6" move 50% of the time. They also make decent drop-down screens to deny your opponent movement/charge lanes, but that takes a bit of practice to get right.
  5. Alright then, I'll write something up. Unfortunately I forgot to take any pictures, so sorry if this winds up overly dry and wordy! I also didn't take notes or anything, so some of this may not quite be accurate. The event was five 2000 point games, randomly determined missions from the GHB and corebook, realm of battle rules were not used but Malign Sorcery artefacts/endless spells were permitted. My list was exactly the same as I took to the third GT heat at Warhammer World in June, so obviously it was an army written with only the AoS 1 rules in mind and I wanted to see how it would perform in the world of AoS 2, whether it was still viable at all or if I'd have to cook up something wholly new for the GT final later in the year. Slaughter Queen on Cauldron of Blood (General, Devoted Disciples, Blessing of Khaine, Amulet of Dark Fire) Hag Queen (Sacrament of Blood) Hag Queen (Catechism of Murder) 30x Witch Aelves (Sacrificial Knives) 10x Witch Aelves (Sacrificial Knives) 10x Sisters of Slaughter (Bladed Bucklers) 15x Blood Sisters 5x Heartrenders 5x Heartrenders I've had a fair amount of practice with this list (though none at all in AoS 2), I mostly like it cos it's something of a 'highlight reel' of the DoK, with a little bit of everything, I've found it to be quite flexible and a lot of fun to play. Morathi could perhaps be swapped out for some other stuff (especially now that arcane bolt is far less reliable), but she is my favourite model in the game and as the big centerpiece kit for the DoK it seems rude not to bring her, and she can be used as a decent distraction or tarpit, plus two +1 unbinds is nothing to sniff at with the increased 30" range. Hagg Nar temple can give a deceptive resilience to an otherwise fragile force, and I've definitely had opponents caught up when triple 5+ saves mean they kill only a few Witch Aelves when they were hoping for a rout, hence Blessing of Khaine on the cauldron. Catechism is used almost solely on the Blood Sisters, the Witches rarely need it, whilst Sacrament is often essential in round 2 when you need something to be re-rolling hits for a decisive combat. Game 1 - Daughters of Khaine (Khailebron Temple) - Duality of Death The first game draws were put up a few days in advance, along with the lists, so I had plenty of time to sweat over facing this scary looking list, I was hoping not to get a DoK mirror cos I don't have much experience fighting against them and, of course, my strengths are also their strengths! Bloodwrack Medusa (General, Mistress of Illusion, Mindrazor) Bloodwrack Medusa (Shadow Stone, Mindrazor) Hag Queen (Catechism of Murder) Hag Queen (Sacrament of Blood) Hag Queen (Martyr's Sacrifice) 20x Blood Sisters 5x Blood Sisters 5x Blood Sisters 30x Witch Aelves (Sacrificial Knives) 5x Heartrenders 6x Morsarr Guard Chronomantic Cogs One advantage of the mirror match, of course, is that you don't need to spend so long asking each other what all your weird gimmicks are! As such I was well aware of how scary Blood Sisters could be, and they had a lot more of them than I did! The allied Morsarr guard are the more offensive version of the Idoneth eel cavalry, which are also pretty dangerous as well as being very fast, and the redundancy with the heroes is a good choice here too, with an extra Hag Queen to keep a spare Witch Brew on hand, and two valuable casters to keep Mindrazor available. I was concerned about the Khailebron command trait getting me outmaneuvered (obviously the -1 to hit from shooting didn't mean much), but I had a couple of advantages in the fact that my cauldron would help to sponge some damage (both via its auras and the fact that +1 bravery helps prevent double damage from Mindrazor on most of my units) and that Morathi is basically cheating in this mission. I had less drops and took the first turn, though with Hagg Nar you do want to cluster around the cauldron somewhat, with such large units there's still room to spread out over a broad spread of the board and still keep a viable formation. I took first so that my opponent couldn't Mistress of Illusion to block me from objectives, and so I could sip Witchbrews in case they went for a first turn cog charge. I transformed Morathi and flew her onto one objective in front of the bulk of my opponent's army (25 Blood Sisters, both Medusa, the Witches and 2 Hags), moving my witches up just enough so that they'd be able to counterattack next turn if they sent anything to engage with her. On the other flank I didn't have any heroes capable of grabbing the objective turn 1, and they had the eels, 5 Blood Sisters and a Hag lurking to threaten any advances in that direction. My army moved up cautiously, just a few inches, enough to risk a round 2 charge if I got priority whilst hopefully being more or less safe from taking too much damage. With Morathi on one objective my opponent either had to commit to taking her off of it as quick as possible (2 rounds minimum) or get something onto the other objective on the first turn and hope knock her off before the end of the game. In the first turn the ran up on the unclaimed objective but the Hag didn't get enough movement to make it on this turn, they did not engage with Morathi either, wary of my Witches waiting to back her up. I scored the initative for round 2 and was able to make some big moves, Sacrament and Blessing on the Witches, plus Witchbrew, gave them re-rolls on basically everything, and a command point 6" run let's them move up on the big squad of snakes, I don't mind throwing away the Witches if I can knock enough Blood Sisters out of the game. My own Blood Sisters get Catechism and move towards the Morsarr Guard, it's a pretty long charge but with the eels big movement they'd be free to charge me in their own turn anyway, and you certainly don't want that with that statline! Morathi shuffled a bit on the objective and actually managed to explode a Hag Queen with her shooting attack, probably the first and only time that will ever work. The Witches smash into the Blood Sisters, taking out one a five model squad and half of the larger squad, my own Blood Sisters make their charge into the eels too, taking a little damage from their attacks before wiping out the Morsarr Guard thanks to a lucky battleshock roll. The witches take some casualties from the Blood Sisters, but Blessing of Khaine keeps them above 20 models. My opponent moves their Witches out in a long line in order to hit my own Witches, my Cauldron and a Hag Queen, whilst on the other side of the board their Hag Queen moves onto the objective, 5 Blood Sisters moving to shield her from the 10 Witches I had lurking in the vicinity. Not moving to engage Morathi with something at this point probably cost the game as it would take some doing to shift her at this point, and if she sat there till round 5 that would be 15 points in my pocket whereas they had only started scoring in this turn. In either this round or the next my opponent dropped Khinerai around their objective to help shield their Hag Queen from my Blood Sisters, I can't quite recall when that happened. My oppponent's Witches charged in to support the embattled Blood Sisters, but they did so by lining up along my conga line back to the cauldron, when the Blood Sisters swung first I was able to removed casualties to greatly diminish the number of Witches that would get to attack, my Hag Queen even managed to survive whilst the Cauldron proved that it was more than just a support unit by smashing through a fair few Witches. I can't quite recall who won the roll for round 3, I think it was my opponent and I still had a Witch or two keeping their Sisters and Witches stuck in combat, though they were promptly finished off by the two Medusa. On the other flank my little 10-model Witch squad got cut down by five Blood Sisters, whilst in the combat phase my now-rerolling Cauldron cut through what was left of their 30-model Witch squad. In my turn it was just mopping up, Morathi failed to death stare a Medusa, I brought the Khinerai down to pick off some of the screening models protecting the Hag Queen so that my Blood Sisters could get a clean charge, and buffed up my Cauldron to send it careening into the remainder of the large Blood Sister Squad and the heroes nearby to keep them from going anywhere. Once I had manged to kill of the objective-scoring Hag Queen and two Medusa we called the game there, with Morathi still on full wounds there was no way to comeback. A pretty much perfect start to the event, really, with a major victory and a tabled opponent, I got lucky with the mission objective favouring my army, and I feel my opponent perhaps played a little too cautiously with their bruiser units (though my winning priority in turn 2 certainly didn't help them out either). If it were me I would probably be tempted to take Ishlaen Guard in place of the Morsarr, DoK already have so much killing potential that something fast and tanky seems like a good fit, and they would have been able to hold up the Blood Sisters for another turn most likely. Game 2 - Phoenix Temple - Translocation Orb Game 2 was an old world, WHFB elf-off against a very pretty Phoenix Temple force in a battleplan I'd never played before. Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix (General, Doppelganger Cloak) Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix Anointed on Frostheart Phoenix Avantis Firestrike 30x Phoenix Guard 10x Phoenix Guard 10x Phoenix Guard Everblaze Comet An Translocation Orb the objective is worth more points if you score it in the second turn of a round, which is a tough factor for an army like mine which ideally wants to be hitting hard and hitting first. My opponent gave me the first turn in round 1 and I had to make do, setting up buffs and advancing cagily, just enough to score my 1 point. In retrospect I maybe should have committed more fully to stop it being scored back, but then things would've gotten all snarled up in the middle and it would be difficult to grab the orb in later turns. In any case in my opponents turn Aventis cast the comet which did a few mortal wounds and buffed the saves of the phoenixes, one phoenix swooping round to knock out my small Witch squad whilst some Phoenix Guard took the objective. The objective then moved itself further behind my opponent's lines, this would be something of a recurring theme, I won the initiative roll and felt that I had to take the first turn to at least try and break through, I failed to take out the closest phoenix as Morathi couldn't cast Mindrazor on the Blood Sisters, but I did score the objective if nothing else, only to have it taken back by 30 Phoenix Guard in the subsequent turn. I won priority again and the objective moved even further away, my command ability from the cauldron allowed the remaining Blood Sisters to finish off the phoenix, and a small Phoenix Guard squad that had joined the affray, and freed them up to threaten the big Temple Guard block whilst I sent the Witches towards the Anointed General, dropping Khinerai onto the objective. I dropped the enemy general down to 2 wounds and chewed through a respectable chunk of Phoenix Guard, but in my opponent's turn there were still enough left to take back the objective, at which point it was 9 - 3 and I had no chance of recovery no matter where the orb moved (no points for guessing that it continued to move in the worst possible direction regardless). So by round 4 I had set upon just scoring as many kill points as possible, and my opponent on trying to limit how much stuff I could kill, by the end of round 5 I at least had the consolation victory of having wiped out my opponent's army, but that's not how you win games! Translocation orb is a fun mission, but I don't think it's much good for tournament play, a little too random maybe, perhaps I just need to practice it more but it did feel like I was stuck in a bit of a loop with chasing after the objective and being unable to keep it for long enough to make a difference, I suppose that's my karmic retribution for cheesing Duality of Death with Morathi in game 1, though my opponent was a very good player outside of that, and they certainly had the skill to keep me where they wanted me until it was past the point of recovery, we both had our share of bad luck and they were better able to make the best of it and score a well-deserved win. Game 3 - Stormcast Eternals (Tempest Lords) - Total Conquest The new Stormcast book has some pretty scary options in it, big blocks of Sequitors can be as difficult to crack as Stardrakes whilst also being able to actually outnumber on objectives and hit back in a fight, and the ballistas can do some real work too, fortunately this list did not have too much of the stuff I was scared of. Lord-Arcanum on Dracoline (General) Knight Incantor Lord-Castellant (Patrician's Helm) Lord-Relictor (Whatever Lightning Chariot is called now) Knight Heraldor 3x Evocators on Dracolines 5x Judicators 6x Castigators 10x Evocators 5x Sequitors 5x Sequitors 10x Skinks Total Conquest is one of the older missions which has been cleaned up a bit for the new GHB, which is for the best cos the old deployment map was a nightmare. Also the objectives don't move around all over the place, which is nice. I had choice of first turn and gave it to my opponent, there's not much point in scoring early objectives in this battleplan if they're just going to get taken right back off you cos they're worth double points if you take them from your opponent, and with Hagg Nar I wasn't going to be making any big moves in the first turn while there was still stuff in the Celestial Realm. The two Sequitor squads moved onto the lower left objective, my Sisters of Slaughter skulking nearby, whilst the Skinks, Dracolines and Heraldor deployed in the narrow, 3" deployment zone near the top right objective, the Castellent, Relictor and Evocators sat on their home objective whilst the Arcanum was set up far enough forwards to use her dispel scroll if needed. All of the shooting units deployed in a convenient gap behind my forces and focused their fire on Morathi, knocking a couple of wounds off her. The Dracolines moved up with the Heraldor and pounced on my small Witch Elf unit with predictable results, the Relictor teleported himself into the woods at the center of the board and called lightning down on my Witches. In my turn I transformed Morathi and sent her off to tie up the shooting units for a turn or two, the Knight-Incantor used her scroll to block Mindrazor on the Blood Sisters, who I advanced on the Lord-Arcanum and his Dracolines. Morathi whiffed almost all of her attacks and the Blood Sisters killed all but one Dracoline. I won the turn 2 initiative roll, using the Orgy of Slaughter command ability to free up the Blood Sisters before sending them up to take out the Skinks on the top right objective. The Witches missed out on most of their buffs except for Witchbrew and Blessing of Khaine, but I sent them up to try and take out the Relictor anyway. Morathi ate some more Castigators, the Blood Sisters decimated the skinks and scored the objective whilst the Relictor survived on one wound. In my opponent's turn the Relictor teleported to safety close to my home objective but failed to heal himself, the Heraldor attempted a long-range retreat and charge to take out a Hag Queen, but couldn't quite make it, the Witches killed the Knight-Incantor and Morathi finished off the archers. I won turn 3 initiative as well and was sitting in a pretty comfortable position, I buffed up the Witches and sent them command point 6" sprinting across the board as a throwaway assault on the camping Evocators, the Blood Sisters following behind to serve as a second wave in a later turn whilst Morathi pounced on the wounded Relictor. I killed half of the Evocators off and enough Witches survived the retaliatory attacks to score the objective, and when my opponent could not finish off the rest of the Witch squad in their own turn they called the game. Another major win, and another near table-ing. Game 4 - Idoneth Deepkin (Ionrach Enclave) - Shifting Objectives I've never played Idoneth before now, and I'd never played this battleplan before either, I was certainly grateful that it was not the 18-24 outflanking eels list, cos my arms really does not have a good counter to that! Volturnos, High King of the Deep Eidolon of Mathlann, Aspect of the Storm (Cloud of Midnight) Tidecaller (Steed of Tides) 10x Namarti Thralls 10x Namarti Reavers 6x Morsarr Guard 6x Ishlaen Guard 5x Sisters of the Thorn 5x Tree-Revenants Geminids of Uhl-Gysh It's a list with a pretty clear strategy, wait till turn 3, burn all your command points on buffing the eels and Eidolon and then use superior movement to make a great big mess, this was tough because I also want to be using turn 3 to start making a great big mess! This battleplan is played length-ways along the board, so the Idoneth's greater movement would be advantageous, and it's also one of the few missions that has objectives within 6" of a board edge, favouring the teleporting of the Tree-Revenants. The first couple of turns were very cagey, with minor skirmishes on the edges of the battlefield as we prepared for that vital turn 3, sending small portions of our armies off to claim the objectives, I managed to kill the teleporting Tidecaller with a small squad of Witches, and lost most of the Sisters of Slaughter to Reaver volley fire (Though they did manage to cut through all of the Reavers and some of the Revenants in return). I won the priority for turn 3 and opted to go first in order to limit the amount of time High Tide would be useful for, moving back a little to try and force failed charges. At this point I made what could be categorised as a 'big mistake', some might (correctly) say game losing, I dropped the Khinerai down between our lines intending to force the eels to end their movement prematurely and giving them a longer charge as a result, but I mis-measured and left enough space that they could instead charge over and hit the back of the Khinerai, then killing the harpies off with weaker activations and allow the eels to pile wholly into the Witches, which got all of them killed in short order. A really dumb mistake which put me on the back foot for the rest of the game. But I wasn't out of it just yet, I won turn 4 and powered up the Blood Sisters with everything I could muster and used them to decimate the Morsarr Guard, the Eidolon used the Cloud of Midnight to escape their fury but the eels were cut down easily. In my opponents turn 4 the Eidolon and Volturnos retreated to charge the few remaining Sisters of Slaughter and score the objective whilst the Ishlaen Guard tried to screen off the top-most objective from my snakes. I won initiative in turn 5 too, and I still even had a slim chance to win the whole thing. Morathi transformed, using her gaze to kill the Tree-Revenant pipes and prevent anymore shenanigans there, before heading to engage the Eidolon and Volturnos in search of kill points. The snakes got all the buffs again and cut through all of the Ishlaen Guard and Sisters of the Thorn without breaking a sweat. The top most objective remained the primary one for the third turn in a row, if my Cauldron could make a re-rollable 8" charge into the Thralls guarding it I would be able to pile into range, kill off the weak infantry and secure a major victory, but alas the highest I could roll was a 7. And Morathi didn't even manage to kill off the Eidolon to ease my sorrows either! Despite making a pretty major mistake this was still a close game right to the end, and a lot of fun to boot. The random objectives were, again, a little frustrating, if the primary objective had been in any other position than the one it was in either of the last two turns I could have turned things around. Ah well, I'll have to settle with murdering most of the opposing army instead. Game 5 - Chaos - Focal Points The last game of the event, always a tired affair, and down at table 9 there was no hope of trophies for either of us so we were free to take things a little slower. Archaon Everchosen Harbinger of Decay Lord of Blights Lord of Blights(?) Lord of Slaanesh (Gryph-Feather Charm) 40x Marauders 40x Marauders 20x Marauders Chaos Spawn Prismatic Pallisade Plaguetouched Warband You know it, you love it, it's the Plaguetouched Warband. I've never actually played against it before now, but I was aware of vaguely how it functioned on account of its infamy. This battleplan is kinda fun, I like it well enough, really anything where the objectives don't move around is good by me! With a two-drop list my opponent took the first turn, popped all their command buffs and sent Archaon and the Slaanesh Lord hurtling forwards, hunting for Morathi's head, fortunately the Grand Marshal of the Apocalypse failed his charge, allowing me to pounce him with a bunch of Witches in my turn. The large Marauder blobs moved up too, threatening to outnumber my held objective in the next turn. My witches didn't have their to hit re-rolls available yet, and I failed Mindrazor, but some fortunate Damned terrain helped to mitigate for the negative to hit modifiers present, and this was one of the few times putting Catechism on Witches was worthwhile, allowing them to smash Archaon down to just below half wounds in the first turn, Blessing of Khaine keeping them relatively safe from retaliation. My opponent won priority and charged my screening Witches and Sisters with the Marauders, claiming one objective and closing in on the other, several of the support heroes charged in to aid Archaon, who was dragged down by Witches (who did now have re-rolls to hit) in the combat phase, though their numbers were severely depleted. In my turn Orgy of Slaughter again proved invaluable, letting them rip apart the Slaanesh Lord and Harbinger of Decay, though unfortunately one Lord of Blights remained alive to lock them in place, leaving the Maruaders on the left unopposed except for my Cauldron. On the right the Blood Sisters began to chop into the Marauders, but at -2 to hit and with no re-rolls yet there was only so much they could do. I won the turn 3 priority as well, freeing up the Witches to aid on the left flank, the Khinerai descending to threaten objectives whilst the now re-rolling snakes were able to mulch most of the Marauders, at this point it was basically done and the game was called shortly after, one last major win and another near table-ing for the final game of the day. --- And that was that, lots of fun at a nice venue. My list still seems to work pretty well in the new era of AoS 2, potentially I could drop one Khinerai squad for a command point or endless spell, the command point would be valuable against certain first turn alpha-strike lists as I do have a limited amount of screening drops, but I'd rather have actual models than non-physical command points really! I need to change up my relic, I think I got to roll, like, three saves on the Amulet of Dark Fire all tournament (and I'm pretty sure I failed all of them anyway), I don't have Malign Sorcery but one of those would probably work better (Gryph-Feather Charm, maybe?) or even just the one that adds an extra Khainite Prayer so I can squeeze Crimson Rejuvenation in there. Tactics-wise I think the list is solid, even if it takes a big hit just a handful of Witches or Blood Sisters with the right buffs can carve a real mess out of your opponents plans, and you can put pressure on to keep your support units safe. I did not lose any of my heroes in any of the games I played, the only wounds my Queens suffered were due to feedback from their own prayers or splash damage from the Everblaze Comet.
  6. Yeah, looks good Olincay. Only alterations I can suggest is to perhaps to do some black/kohl around the eyes to make those pop against the pale skin, and if you're planning on going with those blood-drenched bases it might be a good idea to do some darker reds/purples towards the center of the bases/rock features before you start slapping gloss layers on to give a sense of some variation in depth under the gore. I just got done playing in the Element Games GT, 5 games over two days, every game was a blast, as always, I've yet to have a bad tournament game of AoS to my memory. Managed to snag 11th place out of 52 with three major wins and two major losses, probably could've sneaked in a couple more wins there if the moving/shifting objectives had been more in my favour perhaps, and I just missed out on a painting nomination, but whatever, I'm just there to have a fun weekend. I can do a write-up if anyone's interested in the gory details, but it might take me a bit.
  7. Not to mention buckler witches are still getting 3 attacks per model most of the time, which is far from shabby! All my current witches have knives, but any futures ones I make will probably have bucklers so I can have a solid mix (still kinda holding out that we might get a start collecting/battleforce box later in the year to help sink the cost a little.) Catechism of Murder is excellent on Blood Sisters, kinda wasted on witches I'd say, you only need a few lucky rolls on the crystal touches to squeeze out a surprising volume of mortal wounds. Sacrament of Blood feels almost a most-take in a Hagg Nar list to me (along with Blessing of Khaine for obvious reasons), the ability to get those re-rolls on a unit when you need them is very useful.
  8. Interestingly I have found Witch Aelves one of the few things which can chop through a 40 model skeleton block with relative ease under ideal circumstances, though it does depend on getting Mindrazor through (often easier said then done!) to remove the effect of their shields. The only problem, of course, is when you don't kill off the whole unit and now you're in a spot of trouble as they all come back to life... Ideally you'd want to try and kill off the bulk of the heroes first before engaging with the skeletons but, of course that's not exactly a walk in the park. I think Nurgle can be a bad match up, Plaguebearer blobs will be able to gum up Witches for a decent while if they can get -2 to hit, Fleshy Abundance, etc. And there are a few sources of long range mortal wounds which can pick out Hag Queens and other support elements.
  9. I think they changed the Assassin's warscroll in one of the latest FAQs to let it hang around in any Order unit? Or maybe it was always like that actually, thinking on it, I used to have one jumping out of my Dreadlord on Black Dragon, modeled as a sort of bodyguard instead of the cloak and dagger type.
  10. I'll bite on a few of those: 1) With her doubled casting range Morathi didn't really need to use Spell Portal anyway, unless I'm missing some cool combo, I haven't delved particularly heavily into the realm spells yet to see how she might benefit from those. I used to use her in caster form to pick out enemy support heroes, she is still the longest ranged damage dealer in the DoK book, if a little unreliable in that role, and moreso now with the weaker arcane bolt. Segwaying into 1b) the main advantage of Morathi in my eye is in her flexibility, able to react to your opponent's list. And also she is flat busted in the hero scoring/cumulative points missions. She is a hefty points investment though, she is not an essential part of the tactical toolkit if you want to try something else. 3) My understanding is that the temple disciplines outlined in the battletome are more like sects, each of which have holding in multiple temples across the land, as with Draichi Ganeth having a presence in most of the free cities. So whilst the first temples might be rooted in Ulgu you could still have Hagg Nar devotees operating from a satellite temple in another realm. 4) Battalions are mostly not worth it, Draichi Ganeth Slaughter Troupe can be fun, Witch Elves that can bounce between combats freely is pretty powerful, but you're stuck with a 'sub par' temple effect and the extra artefact is wasted with the forced Draichi Ganeth selection. There's something to be said for Temple Nest if you want to run snake heavy, but like most of the battalions there are too many 'tax units' to make it very cost effective. 5) CoB (and Bloodwrack Shrine) do not have the war machine tag, for some reason, and nor are they monsters, so they can benefit from both cover and look out, sir. I expected this to be errated at some point, but they seem to have dodged the recent FAQ at least. 6) The extra rend from Mindrazor is supremely useful even without the bonus damage, rend -1 on Witches means there's not much they can't chew through, and -2 on Blood Sisters is an option for dealing with the things that they can't manage against. I prefer Mindrazor to Withering just in case you get caught against a particularly potent armour save anvil.
  11. Predatory Endless spells that are already on the board are moved in between battle rounds (with players alternating on picking a spell to 'activate'), several of these endless spells have effects which can cause damage to units that they move over or close to. Because this damage is dealt in between battle rounds it is outside of 'a turn' for the purposes of the Iron Heart of Khaine rule, and so will not count towards the maximum 3 wounds Morathi can suffer in a single turn. Fortunately most damage-dealing endless spells need to get quite close to be able to do their damage, so it's generally easy enough to zone them off until you can move them/Morathi out of each other's way. Also note that this only applies to endless spells after they've been summoned and are moving about the board, not when they are first cast which is part of a regular hero phase within a player turn.
  12. The 8 wounds things applies to cover save modifiers, not look out sir; a unit can benefit from cover so long as it is not a Monster with more than 8 wounds. Fortunately shrines are neither monsters nor war machines, so they can enjoy both cover and Look Out, Sir!, I did expect this to be FAQd at some point, but it seems to have at the very least gone unnoticed so far.
  13. Wrangling the maximum points efficiency out of a DoK list can be a little tricky, there are a lot of great options, so squeezing in an Avatar can be a tough sell. Both cauldron variants come with an Avatar built into them, and one which has more wounds (and that your army is more likely to be within range of for the bravery bonus). The infantry avatar is a little expensive and a little bit fragile, it's not too tough to get it activated cos you can pray for it multiple times from different queens, but doing so opens up your fragile support heroes from taking extra damage from a misfired prayer. Like most of the 'sub-par' units in the DoK book they're not, like, tragically bad or anything, there's just normally better options.
  14. I don't know how handy you are with magnets and pins and such but it's easy enough to construct the shrines so that the statue/mirrors and medusa/queens are removeable and swap-able, then you wouldn't have to choose! But if that doesn't appeal I would say 1 Bloodwrack Shrine isn't a bad choice, it's the most durable wizard available if you don't have Morathi, and can unlock the formidable Blood Sisters as battleline units. If you're playing matched play at lower points levels (up to ~1500pts or so) the Shrine is not a handy thing to have available. You probably don't need two Shrines though, for the most part, which leaves a choice between the two Cauldron options, they're both kinda similar but do bring some different options to the table. The Slaughter Queen is better in combat if you need it to get stuck in, comes with a free unbind which can be handy if you're low on wizards and an excellent, if situational command ability. Meanwhile the Hag Queen loses all of that but comes with a more durable source of the very powerful Witchbrew and a lower price tag. Personally I favour the Slaughter Queen version and keep my Hag Queens on foot (cos you're still gonna need that Witchbrew). But at sub 2000 point games (if playing with points) then a Hag Cauldron does sometimes sneak into my lists. Notably if you are using a Bloodwrack Shrine as your general in order to access Melusai Battleline then the Slaughter Cauldron loses some of its luster as you can't use its command ability anymore, in which case the Hag Cauldron might be preferable. That's how I see it.
  15. Note that that only applies in some instances when it comes to battalions, basically if a requirement is a word in bold then that is actually looking for a key word, so, for example, the Temple Nest battalion wants a Bloodwrack Medusa, both the bloodwrack shrine and bloodwrack medusa warscrolls have the Bloodwrack Medusa keyword, so you can use either. Conversely the Shadowhammer Compact battalion requires a Slaughter Queen, no bold font so this is not a keyword and only the specific 'Slaughter Queen' warscroll can be used, so not the cauldron mounted version. Just something to be aware of.
  16. I found it basically impossible to try and sub-assemble these models for painting, the components tend to slot in and around one another in a way that would make it awkward to glue together after painting (lots of legs attached to other parts by those sashes and decoration and such). I would have liked to paint the wings separately but they generally formed too much of the overall shoulder/back portion to really leave off. On the other side I didn't find them too bad to paint despite that, if you're using the hair options instead of the full helmets then leaving the heads of is probably possible, otherwise they do get in the way a bit, but on such elevated models most of the other detail is fairly accessible.
  17. Boo at 25mm for the infantry characters, I like them on 32s so that they are more obvious amongst a sea of witches. Ah well, guess I'll see if I can rustle up some spare bases anywhere.
  18. Personally I'd prefer it if they focused on creating new characters over resurrecting popular old world ones. But on the other hand the updated Morathi is the best she's ever been (as far as I'm concerned), so I guess what do I know?
  19. I thought it was a little silly at first, but on reflection it doesn't seem a bad idea? Certainly the 9-12 demographic was when I was getting into the hobby, and some stuff designed to appeal directly to that audience can't hurt.
  20. That's just the high elf dragon model, there's a fyreslayer magmadroth there too, a mixed order assortment. The warhammer community article mention the double turn is still in, but now 'more strategic' whatever that might mean, interesting.
  21. Presumably some sort of big named character centre-piece for the Nighthaunt, ala Morathi, I don't know if anyone like that's been mentioned in fluff up to now.
  22. The wording on the command abilities for the Dark Elf legends rules is a little different to that in the AoS battletomes, and implies to me that non-general heroes can use their command abilities, though I don't know how much weight that necessarily bears. Perhaps some sort of command point style system to let you use abilities? Just a guess.
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