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Everything posted by Lucentia

  1. Hey, I'd love to be proven wrong! They do theoretically still have two Death books to preview and release in the spring period, so I don't think the Chaos books will be waiting for too long, but I also don't think it'll be this week.
  2. I would not bet on it, there's probably at least a couple of weeks before more AoS preorders, KO only just came out, buuut I am going to join in your optimism cos I also really want to see them!
  3. I would accept rules themed around finesse and redirection, sure. However, speed-chasing and thrill-seeking are so prevalent in the fluff blurbs that at the very least slaanesh should be the fastest chaos army going. More cynically, 'has fast movement' is a much easier thing to represent mechanically in rules terms without ****** up. Edit. Hah, that's a very mild word caught by filter, but I'm gonna leave it and let y'all use your imagination.
  4. Selfishly I would like Shalaxi to be actually playable for the first time, with rules that actually make them a reliable monster/hero hunter. But in a more general sense I'd like to see a substantial rework of the core faction mechanics, if they remove depravity points entirely I really wouldn't complain. Ideally the core identity of the faction, in my eyes, should be ludicrous speed, accurate, high rend, but generally low damage output, with some manner of risk-reward options where you can push units to self-destructive excess, that reads as 'slaanesh' to me.
  5. It was a different gloved hand one, but there is one that matches, yes. The Khorne priest, Farsight, and Snikrott both also solve 1 rumour engine each as well.
  6. Certainly I'm hopeful for a book that's less of a chore to play, I don't even need it to be especially good, just fun! Thinking about how the Lord of Hubris ability will actually play out in game (absent of other factors/abilities he might have access to) it's very funny to imagine that in most games he's going to swagger up to whatever the scariest piece on the board is, go, "Oh, no, please, after you," and then get absolutely flattened to protect the rest of the hedonites in combat.
  7. When I first read the rule I was certain it was going to finish with a stipulation of 'If your opponent agrees to the challenge then...' like the Keepers temptation ability. But I agree, the fact that it's just an ability that works is a good sign, I think.
  8. 1" range on his taunt makes him a little tricky to use as a defensive piece against a savvy opponent, but in the right spot he could be a real nuisance, and the model is lovely.
  9. Another seraphon piece could make sense, especially if there's another single hero they can show off. Otherwise my guess would be a single teaser mini for the next warcry or underworlds set, it's not a big preview so I'm not expecting anything too extravagant.
  10. It also has baked in rules to allow players to create their own custom spells, which I thought was a nice touch, though I haven't actually played with those rules myself so I can't personally vouch for how good the system actually is!
  11. I was very impressed with the quality of the starter set (granted I don't have much to compare it too as I've only really seem the d&d 5e one otherwise!) But it has a suite of pre-made characters with nice, fold out, full colour character sheets, a detailed campaign booklet with enough stuff to run through a pretty rigorous little adventure, and a mini lore/setting booklet with more background information. Plus some fancy dice if you're of a sort to enjoy fancy dice. I found the whole package very well put together.
  12. I'm not sure that KO were necessarily in need of another infantry hero, but a battle lawyer is a pretty fun and appropriate thing to exist in the faction, so I'm not complaining too loudly, and the model is very nice. Obviously the single hero releases are probably the easiest to produce, but I do wonder if we might eventually see a pivot towards small units as the single kit battletome update releases, there are plenty of factions who have a glut of small heroes but would welcome a 3-5 model gap filler unit.
  13. The warcry maps have rarely really correlated with the actual warband releases, to my memory, even Catacombs had a whole, brand new, underground map with various faction symbols, but only two warbands were ever part of the Catacombs release (and even then the flame guys were clearly held back from the initial set of 8 realm-themed warbands as they were referenced directly in the first core book.) The maps are mostly just for flavour and so people have a few specific named regions to theme their warbands around if they want to.
  14. I hadn't noticed that, interesting. Normally the underworlds scenic bases are part of the sprue, but these models look like they might have rubble/rock elements attached to their feet like the normal witch elf kit, which would suggest separate bases. I'm curious if they'd have to have different packaging to safely fit a few bases in, the underworlds separators have been pretty tightly designed for 2 sprues plus all the cards, to my memory. It does seem to suggest that these maybe weren't originally intended for underworlds, or at least not for this release window, in some capacity.
  15. Ahem, excuse me, these are clearly sisters of slaughter, not witch aelves! Sure, they might use the exact same bodies, weapons, and be virtually indistinguishable from one another, but they are a separate unit... There's actually a sister of slaughter already in the 1st DoK warband, which only makes this one feel weirder. My bigger complaint is kinda silly, but calling them Arenai when that '-ai' suffix has previously only been used for the DoK mutants, to my knowledge, is a little strange, I wanted more weird elves!
  16. I would expect the skinks to stay, they're not as obviously embarrassing as the saurus (the perks of being teeny tiny, I suppose) but who knows, right now we're in anything could happen speculation mode! It depends on how much they're going to want to balance shiny new kits versus updating old sculpts, I suppose, but if I had to guess I'd at least expect to see updated saurus knights and salamanders, and maybe one of the foot heroes too. Temple Guard seem like an easy dual kit with saurus warriors, but we saw no sign of that here, so perhaps not. Could be fun to combine the temple guard and kroxigor concepts into a single, monstrous infantry, bodyguard unit and kill two birds with one stone.
  17. As a resident DoK fan I will take a 3rd underworlds squad I guess, always happy to paint some DoK and I enjoy seeing iterations on their base design elements. However, it's definitely the weakest of the 3 DoK teams available, almost feels more like a season 1 team where they were pulling design cues from only a single unit type. (Sisters of slaughter, in this case.) Mixing in a harpy or snake-elf in there would've gone a long way, I think.
  18. My first assumption was 40k, but the style of the hand is kinda interesting, is this a long-awaited rat ninja of some sort, or just another space weirdo?
  19. I did find it a little interesting that the Snarlfang community article refers to the dawn of the age of the beast, implying that, narratively at least, it's still close to the beginning of that period. Which I guess kinda makes sense, in that we haven't generally seen huge narrative moves outside of the end of edition periods. Not to imply that there's definitely a bunch of beastly stuff planned for layer down the pipeline, I don't know that I believe that myself, but it's not out of the realm of possibility, I suppose.
  20. I could see them releasing the AoS books on two different dates, one at the end of Jan, one in Feb sometime to maintain the spring release window, no particular need to keep them together if there's no accompanying dual army box. I suppose it depends if they'd rather have them together to hype up as a singular AoS release week, or if they're content to have them as parts of multi-system bulk release day.
  21. Lately the warcry squads have been kinda serving double-duty in filling in holes in existing faction ranges, either in terms of model updates (for the chameleon skinks) or being able to play as unit roles that don't exist in their respective AoS books (light armoured, skirmish mortals for nurgle, and defensive(ish) cultists for Tzeentch). Sooo, I guess what I'm saying is that I've got my fingers crossed that these are going to turn out to be something close to the elite, vampiric infantry melee bruisers that I'd hoped to see with the Soulblight model release.
  22. For what it's worth the double-fight ability on the Ironguts warscroll has the same wording. My assumption was that it is intended to allow a charging unit to activate twice even if they kill their initial target and are no longer within 3" of any enemy models, as charging units can be activated even if there're no enemies in range, as per the core rules (12.1).
  23. If it is Slaanesh then warcry would also be my first guess (though the recent warcry bands have been pulling double duty as proper AoS units too, notably.) Most of the current Slaaneshi potion bottles and such are rounded, unlike this squared off one, which might support the idea, as the god-marked warcry bands have both explored different aesthetic angles to the main lines so far. Alternatively I would not be surprised to see a single foot hero with a perfume homonculus tagging along, pot grot style.
  24. Kinda has a Slaaneshi evil incense/perfume vibe to it, but that sort of swirly smoke is fairly common, and the hand itself is very low detail, which suggests it might be pretty small, like an accompanying minion, or something.
  25. Going off of the, admittedly quite shaky, logic that the 40k video is showing teases for both sides of the upcoming kill team box, then I think it follows that the same could be true for Warcry, the next box (Bloodhunt?) is due quite soon, but I don't believe the one after that (Nightmare Quest, or whatever) is as close. It's possible that Bloodhunt could be Khorne vs Slaanesh, I suppose, but going off of the previous two boxes I think it's more likely that it'll be either Khorne or Slaanesh versus some other faction, which is our mystery final silhouette.
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