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Everything posted by Lucentia

  1. Yeah, they're a little limiting if you want to reposition the limbs in any meaningful way (most noticeable with big squads of ironguts I find) but apart from that I think you'd be hard pressed to guess just how old those models are.
  2. Demigryph knights would probably be fine, maybe Pistoliers/Outriders even? I mean, they stuck 10 Hellstriders in the Shadow and Pain box and those things are just awful looking.
  3. New rules might make it so that the Keeper CA only works for Slaanesh daemons, perhaps (all of the other greater daemon command abilities only apply to daemons), and traditionally locus abilities have been something for daemons only too, but the Keeper is still both a powerful melee unit and a decent wizard, as well as being a stunning model, so I'd imagine it will fit just fine within a more mortal focused force.
  4. I agree that the rat probably goes with the raven, my suspicion is probably as part of the same character model (a jailer, perhaps? Or even a freer of shackles) if only because I don't know if 'animals with keys' is very likely to show up as a motif across a whole army. Kind of gothic imagery though, so my bet's still on vampires of some sort.
  5. Probably worth noting that in Underworlds the archer has a unique rule which lets you move your opponents models one tile in any direction if you hit them with the bow, which of course would be difficult to reasonably translate into AoS and may just be for Underworlds, but could suggest some sort of debuff, I suppose.
  6. Bear in mind Warcry has no armour saves or anything like that, the only defensive stat in the game is the number of wounds so it has to be a pretty flexible number. It is pretty strange to me to see what is apparently a new mortal cavalry model, I would guess it's a new sculpt for Hellstriders to replace the ugly old models, but as they were included in Shadow and Pain that seems unlikely, then my second guess would be some sort of flying unit which Hedonites don't have access to currently, but it doesn't have the flying icon for Warcry, so I guess that's not it either...
  7. Pinning your opponent in their zone (or more generally limiting their options on where and when their models can move) is one of the most crucial aspects of competitive AoS where the game is won on objective points not necessarily raw damage output.
  8. Looks identical to me, yeah. I guess it's possible another mortal Slaanesh model could have a similar weapon, but it definitely looks like a photo of the same piece in close to the same orientation. Maybe there was a mix-up over what models had actually been revealed so far.
  9. Interesting profiles, actually kinda potent damage output for an Underworlds band. Obviously you can't really extrapolate much from these sorts of warscrolls generally, but if the weapon profiles are similar for the expected full units they could be quite good.
  10. 100 points seems a tad too cheap for the Shadowstalkers, 110-120 would've been my guess, but not that I'm complaining I suppose. With regards to the rumour engine obviously the statue from the cauldron of blood is quite similar, but it's probably worth noting that the cauldron statue has distinctly pointed elf ears, whereas this one has rounded human ears, which leads me to think it's probably not a DoK component necessarily.
  11. The statue on the cauldron of blood is mouthless rather than eyeless, but it's still a notably similar piece. My gut says it's gonna be part of a Slaanesh thing, a dark mirror of the cauldron perhaps (or, well, as dark a mirror as you can get of something that's already covered in spikes and used for blood sacrifice...) I could see it as a DoK terrain piece too, big statues holding up a stationary cauldron or altar seems reasonable low hanging fruit for that.
  12. They should probably just toss the Priest keyword on the Ironscale while they're at it, maybe give her a warscroll prayer that boosts Melusai in some way, right now it's difficult for me to find the incentive to spare 140 points for her in a list when all I really want from her is her command ability. If they'd made her an actual beatstick hero that could've been fine too, but she's not especially good in a fight either. Neat model though! But I don't think there's any harm waiting the X months before she gets a separate release if you want to pick one up.
  13. Uh, sure, with the disclaimer that I painted it several years ago close to the initial release of AoS and I'd probably take a different (ideally better!) approach to it nowadays. It's definitely a model which almost necessitates painting in sub-assembly though, I remember I was painting almost every piece individually before assembling it in stages.
  14. As it stands right now the Herald versions of all three chariot options are going to be better choices in 99 percent of cases simply because the rules for Hedonites are so hero focused. It's worth noting that it's quite easy to assemble a Slaanesh chariot so that you can swap the rider for a Herald with a couple of small magnets, which is something I would recommend for maximum versatility. The absolute most useful chariot is the Exalted Seeker Chariot, however to assemble one of those you actually need to combine the components of two Slaanesh chariot kits so you would have to pick up another chariot box. If you don't want do that then of the remaining two options I'd recommend the basic Seeker Chariot as opposed to the Helllflayer, neither of them are hugely spectacular units on the battlefield, but the Seeker Chariot's ability to retreat and charge can be a useful tool on occasion, and it's quite cheap in terms of both points and for summoning purposes. (Though, again, the Herald version is the better option.)
  15. My sculpture guy is just flat gold, but if I were to do another one I'd be tempted to do it in a dark marble/obsidian sort of look, it kinda gets lost amongst all the gold trim elsewhere on the model.
  16. As it's a wide and wacky fantasy world you can obviously use any material you like, the stairs on my cauldrons are done in bone, for example. It might be helpful to think on terms of colour composition rather than material as it's quite a big, weird model, you might not want gory steps if all your panelling is already crimson, etc. Visually the chassis kinda looks like carved wood to me, but it could well be metal work, or carved gemstone, etc.
  17. It also lets her interact with Commanding terrain features.
  18. Catechism of Murder applies in the combat phase only, as do most DoK buffs.
  19. I suspect that's mostly because the Morathi update is fairly well-regarded, barring transformation trickery it's pretty much a straight upgrade from how she was being played before, and certainly I'm delighted to be able to use both of those lovely models at the same time! If anything the great Morathi update makes the changes to blood sisters more disappointing, as a warscroll that has pretty much always compared unfavourably to Witches in the majority of cases I'd imagine people were looking for a similar fine-tuning of their stats or a proper niche being established for them, when you could almost argue they got the opposite of that as they lost a lot of their ability to deal with high armour saves via mortal wounds.
  20. I can't imagine Shadowstalkers being battleline, given they're supposed to be some sort of elite assassin unit, but somewhere around the 110pt mark seems reasonable.
  21. That's a neat touch, and a good workaround for 'Yeah, the big boss of the faction is showing up today, but they're not my general cos it's worse tactically.' Some of the newer books do mess around with that sort of thing, like Slaanesh having up to three generals, or S2D switching who's the general every turn.
  22. To be honest it's not like DoK has the broadest model range in the world, so running a mixed force is a good way to keep you from getting bored painting snakes and/or witches over and over.
  23. I'm not surprised to see crystal touch changed, but it is disappointing, re-rolls to hit and 6s doubling to two hits could kick it some real mortal wound numbers. The real kicker is moving it to the end of the combat phase rather than, say, after the unit piles in/finishes attacking, you may well not have any snakes left by then!
  24. They have said that she has some sort of magic defence I prior previews, whether that's anything actually substantial remains to be seen.
  25. My suspicion, as I've said before, is that there's probably a new battletome under production so even apart from only having snippets of rules previews so far it seems quite possible to me that we wont have a full picture of things from the Morathi book alone.
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