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Everything posted by Noserenda

  1. I mean it feels like an obvious move to add a mix of genders to every unit sprue going forward, if people are obsessed with going one way or the other they can just swap them out with someone else. Equally just toss a coin when developing a hero model to see where they end up. Things like only segregated units or only special female heroes are nearly as cringe as them being weirdly absent tbh with the odd exception.
  2. Sieges are huge fun, at least the escalades that tend to be played at 28mm are, you just need to get the rules right and catch the right group, same as any other game variant (Like skirmish, cityfight, Planetstrike, whatever). I forget which version of Warhammer siege it was (5th?) with the release of the plastic fortress and siege tower and all the metal gear that provided loads of great games, it works quite well in the LOTR system too. But yeah I actually think fantasy systems work even better given the general disparity between troops and extra factors like flying and magic, though those things do need toning down a bit, like entirely flying armies or Lord Kroak tend to render the fortifications pointless
  3. I mean its an excellent start for an army and generally you wont see a start collecting box for a new release for a year or more, if you want to start a Lumineth army you would have to be building something atypical (like all Cow cult or similar) to not want the box as a starting point, i dont think theres much appeal to the limited version army book or dice, just a nice bonus really.
  4. I mean id buy the heck out of the Lumineth box but new 40k is coming, so not the best time to start a new AoS army
  5. Came here to say this lol They did get a random Stag rider lord at some point after their big revamp but before end times i recall as it was there when i looked at restarting my old wood elves
  6. Its not that selfish, i mean if i want to run pure Kurnoth i could probably still do that even if they are technically Sylvaneth, splitting into too many armies was one of the many problems with AOS initially and id hope theyd learned from that! But yeah Skaven would definitely be best, especially poor old forgotten Clan Eshin with our Mordheim era models I mean even an underworlds or warcry band of gutter runners would be a huge benefit!
  7. They do reduce prices, mostly by collecting boxes these days but traditionally converting to plastic was good for that too, i remember buying metal Knights of the White Wolf for £4 each when i were a lad which is a lot more than the remaining regular cavalry are even now But yeah, rises in general suck, though this round is apparently only £1 or £2 on a bunch of things, though ill bet the big monsters will go up by more, which sucks as i want a fair few of them...
  8. More Idoneth would be awesome, i suspect Ironjawz getting the Savage orcs on board may be all they get for now. I wouldnt be sad if they just forgot all about Fyreslayers and maybe did some Grungi following dwarves or Grimmir dwarves that dont suck. Or Chaos Dwarves, basically any Dwarves but Fyreslayers. Also some Skaven love would be awesome, especially poor Eshin who have been forgotten since like Mordheim came out but would be perfect for the skirmish games and some awesomely posed rat ninjas Especially as apparently newer Eshin players are resorting to blood bowl teams for want of sufficient Gutter runners without sacrificing a kidney!
  9. I think the Lumineth were going to be released like the Sister of Battle for 40k tbh, army box first then the rest of the range a couple of months later in a couple of windows. Ofc Covid has scrambled all the plans now.
  10. I think there have been a bunch of Voxcasts in a row? I suspect because the Stormcasts may have been talking about Lumineth releases that haven't happened now
  11. Well i mean its a return to the older way of running Undead all in one blob Id really like to see some Eshin love, even if its just a Warcry or Underworlds box to get some updated gutter Runners and maybe return Eshin Sorcerors or Triads
  12. I think if they can give Space Marines loooads of unhelmeted options on the newer kits im sure they can do the same for stormcast
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